Monday, July 27, 2009

New Smart Earned Cash Video Posted on

This is the new video that we (Julian Cedric & Chris Arriola) posted onto our website:!


Remember, if you would like to know more about how we receive hundreds or thousands of dollars to our doorsteps via FedEx and UPS Mail, call us at 201-893-8738.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Successful Cash Gifter Believes 100% in Cash Gifting

The #1 Rule in Cash Gifting, is to believe in Cash Gifting!

If you believe in the true potential of cash gifting, then you'll be successful at it.

It's really that simple.

Just think about it...

When you truly believe in an opportunity, there's no one in the world that could possibly stop you from achieving massive success with that opportunity.

Yes, there will be those that don't see eye to eye with you about what you're doing; but then again, there will always be others that DO see eye to eye with you.

And it is easy to be inspired by like-minded people that support your cash gifting activity, but the real challenge lies in the way you handle the negativity.

Will you let the negative opinions of others stop YOU from achieving YOUR goals? Or will you let those negative opinions fuel that burning desire within you to fight harder for success?

It's really all up to YOU.

I just wrote this post to remind you that YOU are in control of where YOU end up. YOUR belief, not that of others, is the only belief that should matter. And when it comes to a wonderful opportunity like magnetic cash gifting, YOU are responsible for YOUR success.

So, don't stop believing!... and start your successful cash gifting activity today at!

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Reason Why I'm a Cash Gifter

There are some of you that see I'm in cash gifting and wonder, "Why the heck is he doing cash gifting?"

Hold on... I'll tell you EXACTLY why.

I do cash gifting not ENTIRELY for cash gifting... at all.

Yes, it's true, I enjoy and believe 100% in the Magnetic Cash Gifting opportunity, but there's more... so much more to it.

Let me start off by saying that everyone looking for or is currently involved with a money-making opportunity is after the same thing... money.

And, more importantly, everyone looking to make more money is after the same thing... happiness.

Just think about it. Everyone has their own reasons for wanting to make money. And I'm almost 100% sure that people don't just want tons of green paper lying around at their disposal.

In other words, they are pursuing happiness through their success with a particular money-making opportunity.

So, to make a long story short, I'm a cash gifter because I don't want money to ever stop me from going to places I want to go to (South America, Africa, Europe, Six Flags, Asia), doing things that I want to do (taking guitar lessons, making a positive difference in the lives of the less fortunate, buying a high-end telescope to better see the stars), or feeling emotions that I want to feel (financial security, happiness).

You see, I could be involved with and succeed with practically any other money-making opportunity in the world, but God so happened to lead me to this one: the Magnetic Cash Gifting opportunity.

Furthermore, I'm a strong believer in the adage, "All things happen for a reason." And just as I was led to the Magnetic Cash Gifting opportunity, you, too, are reading this right now, for a reason.

And now it's your turn to take action... start with the first step. Then take each next step one at a time because consistency really does pay off.

So, I guess you can rephrase that question, "Why the heck is he doing cash gifting?" to:

"Why the heck is he pursuing happiness?"

See? Doesn't sound too crazy anymore, huh?

In the end, we're not that different after all. You could be pursuing dancing, singing, network marketing, law, parenthood, medicine, teaching, etc. We're all just doing what we want to do... to pursue happiness.

One of my pursuits of happiness just happens to be succeeding with the Magnetic Cash Gifting opportunity.

Feel free to check it out! Just click the following link:

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cash Gifting: Seeing (or Meeting) is Believing

When people first hear about cash gifting, one of two things are on their mind:

1) This is a scam!


2) This is it! The opportunity I've been waiting for!

For people that agree with the latter, good for you! Join Magnetic Cash Gifting NOW!

No, but seriously. If you agree with the latter, you're probably a naturally open-minded individual - and that's rare. People like you are extremely accepting of unfamiliar ideas and usually achieve success through their curiosity and their willingness to find answers.

On the other hand, the majority of people in the world would most likely consider cash gifting a scam when they first hear about it... Myself included.

You see, I, too, thought cash gifting was a scam when I first heard about it over 2 years ago. I was so closed-minded about cash gifting that I completely threw the idea out of my mind until I personally met someone that did (and still does) cash gifting on a full-time basis.

Then I started thinking, "A full-time cash gifter? Wait, if there are full-time cash gifters, that must mean they make full-time incomes as cash gifters, right?"


In fact, these people I met are making five-figure incomes A MONTH from cash gifting alone!

(If you want proof, call me at 201-893-8738 and I'll personally introduce you to them.)

More importantly, these individuals didn't work nearly as hard as others making the same amount of money.

How is this possible?... They were making Smart Earned Cash instead of hard earned cash! As I discussed in my previous blogs, they set up a system that did all the work for them so that they only had to rake in the cash!

All of a sudden, cash gifting became REAL. I became a believer in the full-time income potential that cash gifting truly offers when I finally met REAL cash gifters.

I guess sometimes seeing (or meeting) really is believing.

My hope is for the readers of this blog (YOU!) to truly see that the Magnetic Cash Gifting System is all you need to create an automated full-time income.


CALL ME! 201-893-8738.

Opt-in now at

(Technically, the cash received through cash gifting is not termed "income," because it is a non-taxable sum, but for purposes of simplicity and easy comprehension, "income" was used in this blog article.)

How To Make Smart Earned Cash

To fully understand everything this blog discusses, first read my blog on "What is Smart Earned Cash?" (if you haven't already).

After reading my previous blog, "What is Smart Earned Cash?" I hope you're a little more educated about the smarter way of making money.

Well, just to quickly recap, Smart Earned Cash is achieved by setting up a system and having the system work for you... making cash 24/7 for you!

So, how can YOU start making Smart Earned Cash today?

Step 1) Set up a system.
Step 2) Sit back and rake in your Smart Earned Cash!

It's really that simple.

The main reason why people fail to do something is because of their lack of information about it.

Well, I challenge YOU to be curious.

I challenge YOU to seek more knowledge about making money the smart way.

I challenge YOU to never worry about money again.

I challenge YOU to change your life... for the better.

I challenge YOU to take the first step.

Set up your cash-generating system TODAY by opting-in to!

What is Smart Earned Cash?

There are three types of people in this world:

1) People that make Hard Earned Cash
2) People that make Smart Earned Cash
3) People that make No Cash.

I'm pretty sure no one wants to be in the third group of people that make no cash at all, but I'm also pretty sure that most of you reading this right now are part of the first group of people that make hard earned cash.

There's nothing wrong with that. Actually, I feel that the only reason why many people don't make Smart Earned Cash is simply because they don't know much about it.

Well, that's why I'm here: to educate you about...

Smart Earned Cash

When people think about how to make money, the majority will think about getting a job - trading in one's personal time and efforts for cash. However, there is a smaller group of people that will think about the other way, the "SMARTER" way, of making money.

Now, what exactly is the smarter way? Well, very simply, it involves the use of some kind of cash leveraging system.

What is a Cash Leveraging System?

Basically, it's a money machine.

You set it up once, and it keeps making money 24/7... forever!

In other words, instead of you, and only you, working for your money, you have a system do all the work for you!

Sound too good to be true? Nope, it's all around you!

Take the McDonald's system for example. Do you ever see Ray Kroc, the person who set up the world's largest chain of fast food restaurants, behind the counter making your fries? No! Absolutely not! He's got big yellow "M's," TV, Radio, Billboard, and a bunch of other advertisements, and millions of people around the world that are part of his system... working for him!

This system does infinitely more work and makes more money every single day than he could ever accomplish in his entire lifetime!

As a matter of fact, he's dead! (With all respect.) And his "system" still makes money! And lots of it!

You see, Smart Earned Cash is exactly that... cash earned the smart way!

Working less and making more.

So, the next time you think about making money, choose the Smart Way.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What is Cash Gifting?

There are many ways that "Cash Gifting" could be explained, but here is my simplified version...

I'll start off with a quick example: Whenever your friends or family give you some cash for your birthday or as a Christmas present, that is considered a "cash gift."

Cash Gifting is the act of privately or publicly giving another person or entity a specific amount of cash, strictly as a gift - freely and with no strings attached. The Cash Gift is not a loan or payment for goods or services. It's called a Cash Gift because that's exactly what it is... a gift of cash.

The giving and receiving of Cash Gifts can significantly change a person's life, and despite some common misconceptions, Cash Gifting still remains the most popular vehicle for financial gain in the entire world. As a matter of fact, Cash Gifting programs account for about 60% of all money generated in the home-based business industry - even though Cash Gifting is NOT a business; but instead, an activity.

To become involved with Cash Gifting, you would have to join one of many Private Cash Gifting Communities/Programs. Unfortunately, most of them aren't structured properly in order to operate for a considerable length of time.

As a result, most active Cash Gifters jump from one community to another.

However, there is good news!

With the creation and development of the Magnetic Cash Gifting System, things have changed - and more and more people are benefiting through the use of this program than with any other Cash Gifting program in the world today.

If you would like to know what all the craze is about, opt-in to Magnetic Cash Gifting!


Julian Cedric, Co-Founder of Team Jucear